
From the left: N Uch Ingramay Sunshine and Ingramay Orion, the parents of N S Uch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget + S-A Fin Ch Milesend Dancing Major, the parents of Mellsjøhøgda's Yours Truly + Degallo The Rustler,
the parents of Mellsjøhøgda's Just Perfect For Me

From the left: Mellsjøhøgda's Exclusive Blue "Lucas",
INT N CZ BG RO BALK UCh BG Gr RO Gr Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize "Copper"
and C.I.B. CZ N SI Uch SIW-14 Microgården Super Trouper "Simon"

Cola (Mellsjøhøgda's Trust Me) and her father Brandon (Nord S Ch Hillacre High on Style)

3 generations, from the left S-A Fin Ch Milesend Dancing Major (Major), 
Int Nord Ch Marnham Montanner (Tanner) and
N DK Ch Nordic Winner 2002 Karmell's Scero Little Boy (Brio)

From the left: N Uch Japaro D' Joker of Sommerville (Ross), N S Uch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ylva, very pregnant), N Uch Ingramay Sunshine (Susie) and Microgården's Babe is Back (Babe)

From the the left: Int Nord Ch Marnham Montanner (Tanner), N S Ch Mellsjøhøgda's 
New Nugget (Ylva) and Mellsjøhøgda's Fancy Me (Fancy)

A very dirty Fanta (Mellsjøhøgda's Very Special)

From the left: Microgården's Babe is Back (Babe), NL Ch Gwensigor's Hey I Am A Major Too (Major), N Uch Slo Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Scotch) and Shemaur Secret Pact (Hedges)

Danish Shetland Sheepdog's CC-show in Vejle, Denmark 24/8-02
From the left: BOS: Bubbly Golden Morris, the judge: Helge Wærner Hagen and 
BOB: Mellsjøhøgda's Trust Me

Mellsjøhøgda's Yours Truly and Karmell's Little Mous

3 generations
From the left: Ch Ingramay Sunshine, Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget and Mellsjøhøgda's Yours Truly

A thirsty Ross?

Grandson and Grandmother, Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize and Ch Ingramay Sunshine


N Uch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville and his breeder Mrs Margo Nixon on his title-day 10/8-03

Mother and son
Mellsjøhøgda's Trust Me and Mellsjøhøgda's Hurricane

4 generations with bitches, from the left: Mellsjøhøgda's Just Perfect for Me, Shiva, 8 months - Mellsjøhøgda's Yours Truly, Ayla, 3 years old 
- N S Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget, Ylva, 6,5 years old - N Ch Ingramay Sunshine, Susie, 11 years old

Blizz (5 weeks old) and Speedy
Mellsjøhøgda's Lucky Babe og Oscarberg's Flo-Jo



Mellsjøhøgda's Just Call Me Wilma abd Mellsjøhøgda's Just Perfect For Me


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo: Trudy Wollbraaten

The Dog veteran class on NSSK's Specialshow 2008.
From the left: Int Nord Uch Marnham Montanner (11,5 years old). He is the father of N DK Uch Karmell's Scero Little Boy (9 years old). He is the grandson of S-A Fin Ch Milesend Dancing Major (13 years). To the right is N Uch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville (14 years old). He was the oldest sheltie at the show.

To the right: N Uch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville, 14 years old (GB Ch Tegwel Smuggler at Myriehewe - Sommerville Slick Chick of Japaro)
In the middle: N Slo Lux Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize, 7 years old (N Uch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy)
To the left: Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize, 12 months old (N Slo Lux Uch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize -Microgården's Babe is Back)