Utstillingsresultater 2005 |
12/11-05 | Orkdal
Hundeklubb, Orkanger Dommer: Helge Werner Hagen, Norge 2BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) 4BHK, CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) 2BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) |
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5/11-05 | Fitjar-Stord Hundeklubb, Stord Dommer: Nils Molin,
Sweden Bir, Cert: Mellsjøhøgda's Fit For Fight (Ch Marnham Montanner - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) |
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29/10-05 | Norsk
Dobermann Klub, Eidsvoll Dommer: Christen Stefanescu 5BHK, CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) 5TK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) |
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23/10-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klub, Tromsø Dommer: Tuula Maija Tammelin,
Danmark 3BTK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) 3BHK, CK: Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm (Ch Tiakina Tie Dyed Tuxedo - Tiakina Tonite By George) |
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22/10-05 | Tromsø
Hundeklubb, Tromsø Dommer: Rodi Hübenthal, Norge 3BTK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) |
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2/10-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klub, Fredrikstad Dommer: Bo Skalin, Sverige CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) |
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4/8-05 | Gudbrandsdal Hundeklubb, Hundorp Dommer: Per Erik Wallin,
Sverige BIM, Cert: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) 3BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) 3BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) 5BTK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) CK: Mellsjøhøgda's Chalita (Tooniehill Hooperman - Skymningen's Quetta Marcia) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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3/8-05 | Steinkjer
Hundeklubb, Steinkjer Dommer: Anne Indergaard, Norge BIM, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) 2BHK, CK: Ch Marnham Montanner (Ch Milesend Dancing Major - Kelgrove Wanda to Marnham) 2BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) 3BTK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) BIRvalp: Mellsjøhøgda's One Man Army (Degallo the Rustler ex Mellsjøhøgda’s Noteworthy) BIMvalp: Mellsjøhøgda's New Trust (Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm - Mellsjøhøgda's Trust Me) |
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27/8-05 | Trondheim
Hundefestival, Trondheim Dommer: Patrica Guild,
Sør-Afrika 3BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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21/8-05 | Rana
Trekk- Og Brukshundklubb, Mosjøen Dommer:
Frank Christiansen, Norge 4BHK, CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) 5BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) |
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20/8-05 | Vefsn
Hundeklubb, Mosjøen Dommer: Svein
Helgesen, Norge 3BIG, BIR, Cert: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) 4BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) 2BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) 5BTK, CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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13/8-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klub, Oslo Dommer: Anders Tunold-Hanssen, Norge CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) |
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7/8-05 | Norsk
Tibetansk Terrier Klubb, Nesbyen Dommer: Rita Van Mechelen,
Belgia 5th Best Dog, CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) |
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6/8-05 | Norsk
Myndeklubb, Nesbyen Dommer: Yvonne Meintjes,
Sør-Afrika CK: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) |
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30/7-05 | Moss og
Omegn Hundeklubb, Moss Dommer: Maurice Baker,
Sør-Afrika 2BHK, CERT: Mellsjøhøgda's After Dark (Ch Arcot Black Liquorice - Karmell's Ronja Emilsdatter) Eier: Tiakaro Shelties CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) CK: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) 3BTK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
2/7-05 | Intercanis,
Brno Dommer: Mlada Svobodova, Tsjekkia CACIB, CAC: Ch Marnham Montanner (Ch Milesend Dancing Major - Kelgrove Wanda to Marnham) ResCACIB, CAC: Microgården's Ain't Misbehavin (Ch Marnham Montanner - Mellsjøhøgda's Fantasia) |
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19/6-05 | Oppdal
Hundeklubb, Oppdal Dommer: Elina Haapaniemi, Finland 2BTK, CK, BIRveteran: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) 3BTK, CERT, Champion: Tiakina Th Frost So Soft (Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm - Ch Tiakina Traced in Lace) Owner: Tiakaro Shelties 3BHK, CK: Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm (Ch Tiakina Tie Dyed Tuxedo - Tiakina Tonite By George) 5BHK, CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) |
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18/6-05 | Surnadal og
Rindal Hundeklubb, Oppdal Dommer: Anne Indregaard,
Norge 3BHK, CK: Mellsjøhøgda's In Command (Aust Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm ex Mellsjøhøgda's Xtra Xotic) 4BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) BIR, CERT, 3BIG: Tiakina Th Frost So Soft (Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm - Ch Tiakina Traced in Lace) Owner: Tiakaro Shelties 3BTK, CK, BIRveteran, 4BISveteran: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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12/6-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klub, Drammen Dommer: Malcolm Hart, England BIM, Cert, CACIB: Tiakina Th Frost So Soft (Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm - Ch Tiakina Traced in Lace) Eier: Tiakaro Shelties CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's New Nugget (Ingramay Orion - Ch Ingramay Sunshine) CK: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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11/6-05 | Norsk
Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Bogstad Dommer hannhunder: Margareth
Botham, England, Dommer tisper: Elaine Wilson, England 5th Best Dog, CK: Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm (Ch Tiakina Tie Dyed Tuxedo - Tiakina Tonite By George) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) CK: Ch Marnham Montanner (Ch Milesend Dancing Major - Kelgrove Wanda to Marnham) CK: Mellauric Mister Giles (Arlanvic Music Man ex Amethrickeh Rosie Deer) CK: Mellsjøhøgda's Electra (Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm - Mellsjøhøgda's Very Special) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse Ch Marnham Montanner: HP i avlsklasse Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville: HP i avlsklasse |
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22/5-05 | Sunnmøre
Hundeklubb, Ålesund Dommer: Leif Ragnar Hjort, Norge 3BIG, BIR, CERT: Mellsjøhøgda's Electra (Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm - Mellsjøhøgda's Very Special) 4BTK, CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) 3BHK, CK: Jefsfire Dean Martin (Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist - Jefsfire Gift Of Gold) 4BHK, CK: Mellsjøhøgda's In Command (Aust Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm ex Mellsjøhøgda's Xtra Xotic) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) CK: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) |
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8/5-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klub, Kristiansand Dommer: Gro Berg-Johansen,
Norge CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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1/5-05 | Førde
Brukshundklubb, Førde Dommer: Wenche Eikeseth, Norge BIM, CERT: Mellauric Mister Giles (Arlanvic Music Man ex Amethrickeh Rosie Deer) 2BHK, CK: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) 3BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) 2BTK, CK, BIRveteran, 5BISveteran: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) |
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24/4-05 | Os
Hundeklubb, Os Dommer: Jean Walsh, Irland Ch Marnham Montanner: HP i avlsklasse |
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23/4-05 | Norsk
Shetland Sheepdog Klubb, Bergen Dommer: Tracy Gartland,
England CK: Ch Marnham Montanner (Ch Milesend Dancing Major - Kelgrove Wanda to Marnham) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse Ch Marnham Montanner: HP i avlsklasse |
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17/4-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klub, Harstad Dommer: Michael McCarthy, Ireland BIR, CERT, CACIB, CHAMPION: Galaxie Dobe's Karzit (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Bikira My Bambi Face) BIM, CERT, CACIB, CHAMPION: North Sheltie's Simply Special (Ch Marnham Montanner ex Ch St. Kilda’s Simply Splendid) |
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20/3-05 | Sør-Rogaland Brukshundklubb, Stavanger Dommer: Domenic
Harris, Irland BIRveteran, CK: Ch Ingramay Sunshine (Ch Nethercroft Charisma at Shatay - Carayen Contessa) CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) Kennel Mellsjøhøgda: HP i oppdretterklasse |
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19/3-05 | Norsk
Buhundklubb, Sandnes Dommer: Berit Foss, Norge 4BHK, CK: Mellsjøhøgda's In Command (Aust Ch Koniseur Kalmbforthstorm ex Mellsjøhøgda's Xtra Xotic) |
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27/2-05 | Norsk
Kennel Klubb, Bø Dommer: Ella Eriksson, Sverige 4BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) CK: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) |
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20/2-05 | Norsk
Boxerklubb, Råholt Dommer: Wenche Eikeseth,
Norge 3BHK, CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) 4BHK, CERT, BIRveteran, 5BISveteran: Degallo The Rustler (Degallo The Cateran - Degallo Serenata) |
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12/2-05 | Dansk
Kennel Klub, Fredericia Dommer: Helge Lie, Norge CK: Ch Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize (Ch Japaro D'Joker of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) CK: Ch Marnham Montanner (Ch Milesend Dancing Major - Kelgrove Wanda to Marnham) |
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